

Hi there! My name is Nate. I like to travel, take pictures, make stuff and help others. This is my blog.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Milan, Italy

Italians sure like to kiss a lot. The first thing I saw upon getting off the train were two couples kissing PASSIONATELY and openly. Over the next few days this opinion only  strengthened --these guys Have the reputation of being passionate for a reason.

In Milan I did all the usual things. I visited the Duomo, which was stunning, and Sfortza Castle. Besides that I walks around the city a lot. Its a big city covered in beggars and street peddlers. I actually felt like I was back in India.

By far the highlight of my time in Milan was seeing The Last Supper.  Tickets sell out Months in advance but I had mine. We have to sign up for specific time slots and I had the first one of the day at 8:15. 30 of us filed through two different airlock before reaching the painting. It was well worth it. I spent the while 15 minutes staring. Photography was strictly forbidden but I got one point and pray.

After the painting I caught a train to Florence and arrived thete mid-day.

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