

Hi there! My name is Nate. I like to travel, take pictures, make stuff and help others. This is my blog.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Florence, Italy

I arrived in Florence at noon and walked around the city for several hours. It is a nice place, but packed with tourists, like Prague.

I stood in line for 45 minutes to get into the museum so see Michaelangeo's David which, thought stunning, wasn't worth the €11 entrance fee. After that I decided I woukd skip the other museums. Lots of lines and expensive tickets.

Instead I hiked across the river and up a steep hill to a gorgeous viewpoint from which I could see all of Florence and the surrounding hills. It was 6:30 and the Sun set was beautiful. Above this place was a monastary, called San Miniato del Monte. I had timed my arrival so that I could hear the monks chant their prayers. It was really beautiful. Their voices carried all through the enormous stone building.

The next day I walked all over the Florence area following winding roads with high walls. It was always a gamble as to where I would come out because I.couldn't see over the walls and hasn't brought a map.

Then I did my laundry and got ready for the next step of my trip.

Tomorrow I begin the Via de Francegia (the old Canturbury way) and I'm walking the 200 miles to Rome. It should take 16 days. I don't know how much WiFi I'll find, but I'll update you when I can! Happy Easter and happy birthday to me!