Hi there! First, I would like to apologize for not posting sooner. I typed three days worth of notes up (on my phone) and then it froze. So this is try 2.0 and I'm trying to not be frustrated and say too little. Also, forgive the typos and frequent switching between past and present case. Lastly, I'm including only a few pictures at the end because pics are hard to neegotiate on the mobile app.
It was a gorgeous morning when I woke in Carlisle at 6:30. I jumped out of bed and went into the town hoping to find some breakfast and begin walking the wall. But I guess these people like to sleep in because nothing was open. I wandered aimlessly looking into shop windows until I reached Carlisle cathedral. I went in. I've seen grander, but Carlisle was quaint, well-kept, and 1000 years old. And I had it all to myself.
After finally finding breakfast I went to Sainsbury's (like Wal-Mart) and bought kiwis, carrots, bananas, and three rolls for just 2.5 pounds! This is a country where a chip of coffee it's three pounds. Looking back I should have bought more food when I had the chance.
I then began the walk! Hadrian's wall was commissioned by emperor hadrian in AD122 and took ten years to complete. It ran 73 miles across England from Carlisle to Newcastle. Today the trail is 85 miles long and encompasses the two cities. I cut off 15 miles by starting at Carlisle instead of the coast. Not much if the wall remains for the first 20 miles. I walked for many pleasant hours through pastures, down lanes and over bridges. Even through people's yards! But I hardly met a soul. I did, however, meet many sheep. This goaded me into inventing many foolish puns: "I should kidnap ewe and start the Hadrian's Whool company." But such jokes made me feel sheepish and I hurried on to the next stile or whicket gate. Its lambing season. Baby sheep are cute. Shout out to Amy. You'll never guess what I yelled every time I saw a new flock.
My guidebook says that if March ever had a week of nice weather it would be the best month to walk the wall. Well I got that perfect week. As a result there aren't any other trekkers. I have it to myself. The locals say that this time last year there was a foot and a half of snow. But I've been hiking without my shirt on.
My walking poles have already proved themselves to be invaluable. I've also devised a way of tying my camera to the front if my pack for easy access. The best camera is the next that You have ready.
I need to average 16 miles a day to complete the wall in the time that I have allotted. My hope was to camp outside But before I knew it I was in the town of Greenhead. I had walked 21 miles and was pretty tired. So I took a bed in the completely empty 40 bed hostel. I chatted for a while with a very friendly couple in the town of Banks and they filled my water bottles.
Greenhead hostel was cool because it was in a converted church. I had a good pint of beer at the only pub and had a meal. Food was so pricy which is why I wished I'd stocked up at sainsbury's. I went to bed and slept for 11 hours.
Sheep! Sheep! Sheep!