

Hi there! My name is Nate. I like to travel, take pictures, make stuff and help others. This is my blog.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Paris, France

I arrived in Paris at about 6 PM and made ny way to Saint Christopher's hostel, which is located on the fringe, quite a ways from train attractions.

The first evening I didn't do anything except for go for a walk along the canal eating a baguette. I felt very Parisian.

That night I had a lot if trouble sleeping. Some moron in the next bed came in at 1 am and started watching a movie and eating chips. It sounded like that had about bags of chips and they were lying on them. There was a constant crunching and crackling and sniffling. And zippers being done and undone. I don't think I've ever been so angry. But for some reason, In my sleep deprived state, I thought it.would be rude to tell them to be quiet. So I waited It out. I should have just gotten up and beaten them into silence.

The next morning I got up at 7:00 and got to the Louvre at 8:45 in order to get in when it opened at 9:00. I had learned from my mistake at the Vatican Museum. But I needn't have worried. Whoever complained about the Louvre lines has obviously not seen the ones in Rome or Florence. I was in by 9:15, but even later in the day, when I re-entered, it still only took 15 minutes. I spent over 6 hours in the Louvre and saw almost every room. It was a lot to take in and I'm pretty sure I got my money's worth.

Halfway through I took a break and went to Notre Dame. It wad cool. Across the square there was a large pavilion in which a baguette baking competition was taking place.

Then I went back to the Louvre.

When I got back to the hostel I got into a conversation with a group of guys in my room and we had a beer together and talked for a while. Then they went off to get drunk and I went to bed and slept much better than the night before.

Then next day I went up the Eiffel Tower with two of the guys from the hostel. It was as cool as everyone said. Then we walked the Swine back to Notre Dame and I went in again.

In the afternoon I read a book and took it easy. It was raining.

On Wednesday I got up early and toon the metro to the Arc du Triumph. Now I've been to most of the triumphal arches in the world. There were two in Rome and one in Delhi.

Then I walked down the boulevard back to the Louvre and went to the Museum D'Orsey. It was great. It only took about 3 hours and was crammed full of impressionist paintings. Cezanne, Degas, Monet, Manet and Van Goph.

Then I went to Saint Chapelle, which is said to be the most beautiful gothic church. They doing extensive renovation which was disappointing, but I could still see enough to appreciate it. The entire chapel seems to be made of strained glass.

Then I went back to the hostel, read and went to bed. I have to catch a very early train tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. ds: Ahh, Pilgrim, for your angry thoughts about the bunkmate, your penance will be that you must walk hundreds of miles and sleep outdoors with the dew on you. Uh.
    Hope you took pix too and can eventually post them.
